Lab Information for Both Scrapie Programs

Aug 1

Laboratory Information for Both Scrapie Programs

Submitting samples to laboratories is a major component to both scrapie programs run out of Scrapie Canada. For the National Genotyping Survey, blood samples or DNA samples (from DNA extracting ear tags) are sent off to be tested. For the Scrapie Flock Certification Program, it is brain (obex) samples that are tested through the program. Below is information regarding sample submission and laboratories for both scrapie programs.

Laboratory Information for the Scrapie Flock Certification Program

As part of the Scrapie Flock Certification Program (SFCP), producers must submit at least one brain (obex) sample per year to be tested for scrapie. Producers can take a sample from any sheep/goat over one year of age that dies naturally on the farm, or if no sheep/goat dies naturally on the farm within the year, a cull must be submitted. In the latter case, the cull must be at least 24 months of age. Also, if any sheep/ goat over one year of age dies on the farm, a sample must be submitted for testing.

The cost of the brain test is about $55 per sample (depending on the lab). Producers can submit either the entire head to the laboratory, or they can submit just the obex. If a producer chooses to submit the entire head, most labs charge an extra fee to remove the obex- about $15 per head (depending on the lab). If producers have received a subsidized position on the program, the $55 testing fee is covered by program. If producers have not received a subsidized position on the program, samples can be tested for free through the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Scrapie Surveillance Program. Information on the CFIA’s Scrapie Surveillance Program can be found on the CFIA website.

Laboratories completing brain testing for the SFCP include:

Animal Health Laboratory
Laboratory Services, a division
of the University of Guelph Building 49, OVC, Box 3612,
Guelph, ON, Canada, N1H 6R8
Phone: 519-824-4120 X: 54544
Fax: 519-821-8072
Contact: Dr. Davor Ojkic

Prairie Diagnostics Services
Rm. 2604, Diagnostic
Immunology Laboratory
52 Campus Dr.,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
S7N 5B4
Phone: 306-966-7241
Fax: 306-966-2488
Contact: Mr. Brian Chelack

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRA) Food Safety Division
TSE/Immunology Agri-Food Laboratories Branch, Room 413A, 4/F, O.S. Longman Building
6909 – 116 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 4P2
Ph: 780–427-6406
Fax: 780-415-4527
Contact: Ms. Eva Chow

Under Pathway 2 and Pathway 3 of the SFCP, producers are required to complete genotype testing. Two samples must be sent in for genotyping- one sample must be sent to an accredited laboratory, while the second sample can be sent to a non-accredited lab. To date, the Animal Health Laboratory at the University of Guelph is the only accredited lab in Canada. For a full list of laboratories completing genotype testing under the SFCP, please see:

Laboratory Information for the National Genotyping Survey

Blood or DNA samples must be submitted for testing under the National Genotyping Survey. Producers wishing to participate on the program have two routes available to them. If submitting blood samples, producers must schedule a visit with their veterinarian or vet technician to collect the blood. If collecting DNA samples through DNA extracting ear tags, producers are not required to have a vet visit the farm. By tagging the animal with DNA extracting ear tags, DNA is placed in a small vial, which is sent off to the lab for testing. In both cases, producers must fill out the Sample Submission Form and send this paper work into the lab with the samples (along with $10 (plus tax) per sample). The Sample Submission Form is available online or by contacting Scrapie Canada.

Laboratories completing genotype testing for the National Genotyping Survey include:

Bova–Can Laboratories

Saskatchewan Research Council
125–15 Innovation Blvd.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7N 2X8
Phone: 306–933–7700
Fax: 306–933–5505


1345 Denison Street
Markham, Ontario, L3R 5V2
Phone: 416–798–4988 or
Fax: 905–475–7309


201, route Monseigneur–Bourget
Levis, Quebec, G6V 9V6
Phone: 418–833–8876 ext.3120
Fax: 418–833–8867

Animal Health Laboratory

Laboratory Services, a division
of the University of Guelph Building 49, OVC, Box 3612,
Guelph, ON, Canada, N1H 6R8
Phone: 519-824-4120 X: 54544
Fax: 519-821-8072
Contact: Dr. Davor Ojkic

Producers have until December 16, 2008 to complete genotype testing through the National Genotyping Survey.For more information on programs offered by Scrapie Canada, please call 1-866-534-1302 or e-mail

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Scrapie Canada's Project Partners

Canadian Sheep Federation

Canadian Sheep Breeder’s Association

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canadian National Goat Federation

Canadian Food Inspection Agency