Information on Obtaining an Import Permit (for importing female sheep and goats from the USA)

Dec 1

December 2008 Scrapie Canada Update

Obtaining an Import Permit from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency

In order for producers to import sheep and goats from the USA, they must obtain an import permit from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Below is information on how to obtain an import permit.

Producers can find information on obtaining an import on the CFIA’s website at:

On this site, producers can print off an application form and get instructions for its completion.

There is a fee of $100 for the import permit.

Turn around time for permit is usually five business days.

When it comes to importing female sheep or goats (including embryos) from the USA, Canadian producers must be enrolled on the Scrapie Flock Certification Program. The US exporting producer must be enrolled on the US Flock Certification Program and eligible for export. See the November 2008 Scrapie Canada Update for more information on which US flocks are eligible to export to Canada.

The US exporter may need documentation from his/ her Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) in the state which he or she resides.

As a starting point for information, people should begin by contacting the CFIA District Office in their area. A list of the CFIA District Offices can be found at:

For more information on enrolling in the Scrapie Flock Certification Program, producers can contact the Scrapie Canada office at 1-866-534-1302 or by e-mail at Information is also found by clicking this link: Scrapie Flock Certification Program

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Scrapie Canada's Project Partners

Canadian Sheep Federation

Canadian Sheep Breeder’s Association

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canadian National Goat Federation

Canadian Food Inspection Agency