Apr 6
April 3, 2012, Guelph: Scrapie eradication is essential to the long-term sustainability of the Canadian sheep industry and as such, the Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) supports the Canadian Food Inspection Agency`s (CFIA) scrapie eradication measures.
A flock of 41 Shropshire sheep were removed from a farm that is currently under a CFIA quarantine order. The sheep were allegedly taken from the barn sometime during the evening of April 1 by an organisation identifying itself as the Farmers’ Peace Corps.
“Scrapie investigations truly are regrettable, emotionally charged scenarios that impact both the producer and the industry, however, sheep disappearing in the middle of the night is making an already difficult situation even worse” said Andrew Gordanier, Chairman of the Canadian Sheep Federation. Gordanier went onto say that “Scrapie needs to be controlled to protect the remainder of the domestic sheep population.”
Not only is scrapie eradication important to the industry, the perception of pro-action is essential to industry sustainability. Recognition of Canadian efforts to minimize the risk of scrapie can help build a robust trade based industry where international trade is essential to the vibrancy and long-term sustainability of the Canadian livestock industries. Canada’s scrapie status impacts both the ability to import valuable genetics and the ability to access larger export markets.
“A positive case of scrapie is a devastating event for any producer involved, regardless of the nature of their operation” said Jennifer MacTavish, Executive Director of the Canadian Sheep Federation, who went on to say that “Any situation where a positive case of scrapie is identified certainly speaks volumes to the need for moving towards scrapie eradication in Canada.”
The Canadian Sheep Federation is a national, non-profit organization that represents all Canadian sheep producers. Its mission is to further the viability, expansion and prosperity of the Canadian sheep and wool industry.